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GRE考试阅读的高频句型1  1.Thatsexratiowillbefavoredwhichmaximizesthenumberof descendantsanindividualwillhave下面是小编为大家整理的2023GRE考试阅读高频句型3篇(范例推荐),供大家参考。



  1. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. (难度系数5,下同)


  2. (This is )A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower .(5++)复杂+倒装+省略;(这是一种)照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。

  3. Hardy’s weakness derived from his apparent i*lity to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. (3)


  4. Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics,since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the "poetic" novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness. (5)

  弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)在创作《黛洛维夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)时有关其创作意图的这番发人深思的陈述,迄今为止一贯为文学评论家们所忽略,因为它突出反映了她诸多文学兴趣中某一方面,而这一方面则与人们对“诗性”小说家(poetic novelist)所形成的.传统见解大相径庭。所谓的“诗性”小说家,所关注的是审视想入非非和白日梦幻的诸般状态,并致力于追寻个体意识的通幽曲径。

  5. As she put it in The Common Reader , “It is safe to say that not a single law has been framed or one stone set upon another because of anything Chaucer said or wrote ; and yet , as we read him , we are absorbing morality at every pore .”(5-)就像她在《致普通读者》一书中所表达的那样,“尽管可以毫无疑问的说,没有任何法律被指定出来,也没有任何高楼大厦被建立起来是因为乔叟说了什么或者写了什么;然而,当我们读它的书的时候,我们身上每一个毛孔都充满了道德”

  6. With the conclusion of a burst activity , the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids , leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted , via oxidative metabolism , by the liver into glucose , which is then sent (in part )back to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis .(4+)随着爆发出来的运动的结束,再体液中乳酸含量会变得很高,使得大型动物处于容易受到攻击的状态,直到乳酸通过有氧新陈代谢,被肝脏转化成(convert into)葡萄糖,而葡萄糖接下来又会(部分)传送回肌肉中重新合成糖原 。

  7. Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy. (3+)


  8. Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences. (4)


  9. This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage,which,though they differed from one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin. (3+)

  古特曼表示,这种对于外部通婚的偏爱很有可能缘起于西部非洲制约着婚姻的规定,尽管这些规定在一个和另一个部落群体之间不尽相同,但都涉及到某种对近亲联姻(union with close kin)的禁止。

  10. His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against Blacks in the United States,but his definition of racial prejudice as "racially-based negative prejudgments against a group generally accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition," can be interpreted as also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jews in medieval Europe. (4+)






  It’s generally agreed that ... ... (人们普遍认为... ...)

  There is a growing body of opinion that ... ... (越来越多的人认为... ...)

  An increasing number of people have the tendency to believe that ... ... (越来越多的人倾向于认为... ...)

  Some people, especially the old, believe that ... ... (一些人,尤其是老人,认为... ...)

  Other people, the young in particular, argue that ... ... (别的人,尤其是年轻人,认为... ...)

  Some current *yses conclude that ... ... (当下的一些分析表明... ...)

  ... ... is a heated topic in our times. (... ...是我们这个时代火热的一个话题)

  The topic about ... ... has been raging for decades. (关于... ...的话题已经风行几十年了)

  ... ... is an eternal/a perpetual topic in our daily lives. (... ...是我们日常生活中一个永恒的话题)

  ... ... is one of the most talked about topics in the contemporary society. (... ...是当代社会讨论最多的话题之一)

  Recently, the impact that ... ... has had on our daily lives, in general, is huge and undeniable. (近年来, ... ...对我们日常生活的影响,总的来说,是巨大且不可避免的)


  一. 开头

  In the argument, the …(主题对象) recommends that …(对结论做论述,基本上可以抄原文,用另外一种方式表达即可). To support this recommendation the argument point out that …(说明文章用了什么论据去证明观点了,同上抄袭即可) however …This argument is logically flawed in several critical respects (说明这篇文章逻辑上是有缺陷的)。

  二. 攻击论据

  1. 调查结果没有证据申明

  To begin with, the argument depends on the assumption that… (阐述说出了一个没有根据的申明,并说出文中的原因) —rather than for some other reasons. Yet it is entirely possible that… (说明这种猜测可能的原因) or some other factor. Without ruling out all other reasons why… (重述这个申明)…(说出反方向的结论)。

  2. 提到了样本,但是数据不具有代表性(数据不够)

  Firstly, the author provides no evidence that the survey is statistically reliable. Perhaps the survey’s sample is not sufficient in size or representative of the quality of …(说明对象的数量和质量不够) For that matter, this survey is not strong enough to establish causation between… (在这里列出原因和结果,做比较) However, the other reasons of the survey which (叙述其他原因下的情况). As a result, without the evidence that the survey is statistically reliable the author cannot justifiably draw any conclusion by relying on this survey。

  3. 猜测,但是没有证据

  Thirdly, the argument assumes that… (阐述文中的猜测) However, the letter provides no evidence to substantiate this assumption. In fact, the letter suggests that this might be the case. By admitting that …, the letter implies that …说明影响他们happy的因素还有其他的方面,不光是研究中所列举

  三. 攻击论证过程

  1. 时间上的错误类比

  To begin with,…(陈述某个数据) may not a reliable date of that rate would be now(和现在相比较是不可信的). Perhaps the… (反例), For that matter, perhaps …(说出反例的情况下会导致何种结果). In short, without ruling out other possible reasons for …(假设说出针对反例应该怎么做)the memo’s author cannot convince me on the basis of …(说出应该有的结论)


  3. 两个事实错误的类比

  Even if…(让步,即使某个条件成立) the argument unfairly assumes that…(说明错误的类比的情况). It is entirely possible that the …(比较对象) own different situations. Perhaps …(具体说出反例) Without accounting for such differences between the two places is unreliable。

  4. 错误的推论

  Even if …(让步,即使某个条件成立)the argument relied on the future assumption that …(说出要让步的是事实). Yet the only evidence the argument offer to substantiate this assumption (说出文中的根据). Perhaps …(说出有可能出现的"其他情况导致这个事实)if so, (说出不一样的结果,与上面事实相矛盾). Or…(其他的情况) In short, without more information about…(对上面的可能情况总结) were established it is impossible to assess …(回到上面的结论)。

  四. 结论的攻击


  Finally, the argument fails to consider …(有更好的办法实现目标). Perhaps by…(办法一), or by (办法二), (对目标进行展望) In short, without weighing the suggestion against alternatives, it is unconvincing that (说明提供的方案不好)。


  Finally, even if the families support to build the new seafood restaurant, the restaurant would not necessarily be profitable as a result. Profitability is a function of both revenue and expense. Thus, it is quite possible that the restaurant’s costs of obtaining high-quality and healthy seafood or of new promoting restaurant might render it unprofitable despite its popularity. Without weighing revenue against expenses the argument’s conclusion is premature at best。


  The memo also makes two hasty assumptions about …(说明两个猜想相关的内容). One such assumption is that …(第一个猜想的情况说明). It is entirely possible that …(反例). Another assumption is that(另外一个错误的猜想) Common sense informs me that (反例)

  Furthermore, the difference in the two firms’ overall placement time last year does not necessarily indicate that Delany would be the better choice to serve XYZ’s laid-off employees. These employees might have particular skills or needs that are not representative of the two firm’s clients in general. Besides, one year’s placement statistics hardly sufficient to draw any firm conclusions。

  五. 结尾段

  In sum, the argument seems logical, but is based on nothing more than pure speculation and perhaps wishful thinking, yet lack of some warranted investigation. To strength it, the author needs to evaluate all possible alternatives and provide detail and comprehensive evidence before jumping to the conclusion that …(文中的结论)




  waft scent, waving movement; carry lightly through

  wage payment, carry on, engage in (war)

  warmonger person who stirs up war

  warrant authority, written order, guarantee

  wary cautious

  weave make (threads) into cloth

  weigh measure hoe heavy smth is

  whimsical full of odd and fanciful ideas

  wince show bodily or mental pain


  perfidy treachery; breaking of faith

  perfunctory done as a duty withour care

  perjury wilful fasle statement, unlawful act

  pernicious harmful, injurious

  persevere keep on steadily, continue

  pertain belong as a part, have reference

  pest destructive thing or a person who is nuisance

  petulant unreasonably impatient

  pied of mixed colors

  pinch be too tight, take between the thumb and finger

  pious dutifull to parents; devoted to religion

  pique hirt the pride or self-respect, stir (curiosity)

  pitfall covered hole as a trap, unsuspected danger

  pith essential part, force, soft liquid substance

  placate soothe, pacify, calm

  plaque flat metal on a wall as a memorial

  plea request

  plead address a court of law as an advocate

  plethora glut

  pliant pliable, easile bent, shaped or twisted

  plod continue doing smth without resting

  pluck pull the feathers off, pick (eg. flowers)

  plummet fall, plunge, stee*

  plunge move quickly, suddenly and with force

  poise be ready, be balanced, self-possession

  ponderous heavy, bulky, dull




  craven adj. 懦弱的,畏缩的

  effeminate adj. 缺乏勇气的,柔弱的

  fainthearted adj. 懦弱的,无精神的;胆小的

  gutless adj. 没有勇气的,懦怯的

  ooze v. (勇气)逐渐消失;渗出,慢慢地流

  pusillanimous adj. 胆小的

  spineless adj. 没骨气的,懦弱的

  timid adj. 胆怯的

  timidity n. 胆怯

  timorous adj. 胆小的,胆怯的

  brittle adj. 脆弱的,易碎的 (brittleness n. 脆弱)

  effeminate adj. 柔弱的,缺乏勇气的

  emasculate adj. 柔弱的;v. 削弱;*

  fickle adj. 不坚定的,(情或友谊上)易变的

  flabby adj. 意志薄弱的;(肌肉)松软的

  flaccid adj. 软弱的;松弛的 (flaccidity n. 软弱)

  flimsy adj. 脆弱的;轻而薄的

  frail adj. 脆弱的;不坚实的

  limp adj. 软弱的,松软的;v. 跛行

  maudlin adj. 感情脆弱的,爱哭的

  spongy adj. 不坚实的;像海绵的


  bungle v. 粗制滥造 (bungler n. 笨手笨脚的人)

  cursory adj. 粗略的,草率的

  distract v. 分心,转移;使发狂

  distracted adj. 精神不集中的,心烦意乱的

  distrait adj. 心不在焉的

  gloss-over v. 潦草地或敷衍地处理某事

  halfhearted adj. 不认真的,不热心的

  inadvertence n. 漫不经心的

  inadvertently adv. 不小心地,非故意地

  insouciance n. 漫不经心,漠不关心

  insouciant adj. 漫不经心的

  negligence n. 粗心,疏忽 (neglect v./n. 忽视;疏忽)

  perfunctorily adv. 敷衍地,潦草地,表面地

  perfunctory adj. 敷衍的,草率的

  potboiler n. 粗制滥造的文艺作品

  sketchy adj. 粗略的,概略的

  slapdash adv./adj. 马虎地(的)

  slipshod adj. 马虎的,草率的

  toy v. 不认真考虑,玩弄


  acerbic adj. 刻薄的;苦涩的

  acerbity n. 刻薄,涩,酸

  acrid adj. 刻薄的,辛辣的

  acrimony n. 尖刻,刻薄

  caustic adj. 刻薄的;腐蚀性的;n. 腐蚀剂

  demand v. 苛求,要求

  demanding adj. 苛刻的,过分要求的

  exacting adj. 苛求的;严格要求的

  finicky adj. 苛求的,过分讲究的

  mordant adj. 尖酸的,讥讽的

  nipping adj. 尖酸的;刺骨的

  pungent adj. 苛刻的;味道刺激的(辛辣的.)

  rigor n. 苛刻,严格;严酷;严密,精确

  scathing adj. 苛刻的,严厉的

  stringent adj. 苛刻的,(规定)严格的;缺钱的

  tart adj. 尖酸的;酸的

  vinegared adj. 尖刻的,酸的 (vinegar n. 醋)

  vitriolic adj. 刻薄的,强烈的

  waspish adj. 尖刻的;易怒的




  identical 相等的;恒等的

  *illumination 照明度

  improper fraction 假分数

  included angle(side) 夹角(边)

  incomplete quadratic equation

  indefinitely 无限定地

  independent 无关地,独立地

  independent variables 自变量

  inequality 不等式;不相等

  in excess of 超过……

  infinite decimal 无穷小数,同non-terminating decimal

  infinite sequence 无穷数列

  inscribed angle 圆周角,同弧所对圆心角central angle的尺寸是圆周角的二倍

  inside dimension 内部尺寸

  installment 分期付款中每一期所付的款项

  integer 整数

  integer part 代分数的整数部分,代分数的分数部分是

  fractional part

  *intensity 强度

  intercept 截距;截取eg intercepted arc 截弧

  interest 利息

  interior angle 内角


  parallel lines *行线

  parallelogram *行四边形




  penny 分

  pentagon 五边形

  percent 百分号

  percent of interest 利率,同rate of interest

  percent increase 增加的百分率

  percent decrease 减少的百分率

  perfect square(cube) 完全*方(立方),e.g.25是5的完全*方

  perimeter 周长

  perpendicular lines 垂直线

  pictograph 统计图表

  pie gragh(chart) 圆形图,饼型图

  palce (位)数

  plane *面

  plus 加

  point 小数点

  pointer 指针


  abscissa 横坐标

  absolute value 绝对值

  account for (数量)占

  acute angle 锐角

  acute triangle 锐角三角形

  add 加add to

  addition 加,加法

  adjacent 相邻

  adjacent angles 邻角

  algebra 代数学

  algebraic expression 代数式

  algebraic fraction 分式

  algebraic term 代数项

  aliquot 除得尽数

  aliquant 除不尽数

  alternate angles 内错角

  altitude 高度

  amount 合计

  angle 角

  angle bisector 角*分线

  apex 顶,顶点

  apiece 每人,每个

  approximately 近似的,大约的




  innovate["inə.veit] adj. 创造性的 n. 创新 v. 创新

  species["spi:ʃi:z] n. 物种

  highlight["hailait] v. 增强亮度; 强调

  enhance[in"hɑ:ns] n. 增强 v. 提高; 增加; 加强

  diminish[di"miniʃ] v. 减少, 缩小

  irrelevant[i"reləvənt] n. 不相关 adj. 无关系的

  pragmatic[præg"mætik] adj. 实用主义的, 务实的

  skeptical["skeptikəl] n. 怀疑态度 adj. 多疑的 n. 怀疑论者

  superfluous[su"pə:fluəs] adj. 多余的

  anomalous[ə"nɔmələs] adj. 反常的

  cultural["kʌltʃərəl] adj. 文化的

  explicit[iks"plisit] adj. 明确的, 旗帜鲜明的 adv. 明确地

  undermine[.ʌndə"main] v. 破坏; 削弱

  predictable[pri"diktəbl] adv. 可预见地 adj. 可预测的, 预计的

  biological[.baiə"lɔdʒikəl] adj. 生物的, 生物学的

  contradict[.kɔntrə"dikt] v. 与…矛盾

  creation[krɪ"eʃən] n. 创造

  intrigue[in"tri:g] v. 激起…的兴趣、 欲望或好奇心

  ironically[ai"rɔnikli] adv. 讽刺地 adj. 讽刺的

  random["rændəm] adj. 任意的, 随机的 n. 随机性 adv. 随便地

  realistic[riə"listik] adj. 现实的 adv. 现实地

  suppress[sə"pres] v. 压制, 制止

  acknowledge[ək"nɔlidʒ] v. 承认

  paradox[ˈpærədɔks] n. 似非而是的论点, 自相矛盾的话 adv. 自相矛盾地 adj. 自相矛盾的

  constitute["kɔnstitju:t] v. 构成

  cynicism["sinisizəm] n. 愤世嫉俗 adj. 愤世嫉俗的 n. 愤世嫉俗者

  disdain[dis"dein] v. 蔑视

  diversity[dai"və:siti] n. 多样性

  inherent[in"hiərənt] adj. 内在的 adv. 本质上地

  repudiate[ri"pju:dieit] v. 放弃; 否认

  selective[si"lektiv] adj. 选择性的 adv. 有选择地 n. 选择性

  adolescent[.ædə"lesnt] adj. 青春期的, 青少年的 n. 青少年

  belie[bi"lai] v. 证明(某事)错误

  cautious["kɔ:ʃəs] adj. 小心的, 谨慎的

  controversial[.kɔntrə"və:ʃəl] adj. 有争议的 n. 争论

  crucial["kru:ʃəl] adj. 关键的

  deliberate[di"libərit] adj. 故意的 adv. 故意地 v. 仔细考虑, 权衡

  economics[.i:kə"nɔmiks] n. 经济学

  idiosyncratic[.idiəsiŋ"krætik] adj. 有特点的 adv. 个性地

  insight["in.sait] n. 洞察力; 见识; 深刻的理解 adj. 有深刻见解的


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——新GRE考试的高频词汇 (菁选3篇)


  meditative 沉思冥想

  tepid 乏味不热情

  dormancy 休眠

  tranquil 安静的

  serene *静的

  serenity *静

  nostalgia 乡愁,怀旧

  placidity *静

  disinterested 冷静的

  sedentary 久坐不动的

  dormant 睡眠,静止的

  even-tempered *和的

  phlegmatic 冷静的

  statically 静态的

  breathing spell 短暂的`休息

  moratorium 暂停延缓


  palpability can be felt, touched, understood

  palpitate tremble, beat rapidly and irregularly

  parenthesis sentense within another one, smth separated

  parsimonious too economical, miserly

  peccadillo small sin; small weakness in one"s character

  penchant taste, liking, inclination

  penury poverty

  peremptory not to be disobeyed or questioned

  perennial lasting for a long time (eg. a year)

  perfidious treacheres, faithless

  perfidy treachery; breaking of faith

  perfunctory done as a duty withour care

  perjury wilful fasle statement, unlawful act

  pernicious harmful, injurious

  persevere keep on steadily, continue

  pertain belong as a part, have reference

  pest destructive thing or a person who is nuisance

  petulant unreasonably impatient

  pied of mixed colors

  pinch be too tight, take between the thumb and finger


  disparate essentially different

  dissemble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)

  dissent have a different opinion, refuse to assent

  dissipation going away, dispersing

  distinct easily heard, seen, understood, clearly marked

  distorted pulled out of the usual shape, give a false account of

  distraught distracted, violently upset in mind

  distraught disracted; violently upset in mind

  divergerence getting farther apart from a point

  divestiture taking off, getting rid of, giving up

  divulge make known smth secret

  dormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development

  dote show much fondness, center one"s attention

  drone male bee, person who isn"t self-employed

  drowsiness feeling sleepy, half asleep

  dud no use person, smth that fails

  dupe cheat, make a fool of

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