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 端午节英语小作文 2016-06-07 浏览:分享人:汪月乐手机版


 端午节英语小作文 篇一

 The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese

 always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.

 The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. Ití?s very popular.

 The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice

 are very delicious.

 And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

 Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very







 端午节英语小作文 篇二

 The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous ricewrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon

 festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. Thisregattacommemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. The dragon-boat races

 symbolize the many attempts to rescue and recover Qu"s body. A typical dragon boat ranges from 50-100 feet in length, with a beam of about

 feet, accommodating two paddlers seated side by side.

 龙舟节,也叫端午节,是在中国的农历五月初五这一天庆祝.千百年来,吃粽子(用竹叶或芦苇叶把糯米包裹起来,形成一个金字塔)和赛龙舟已经成为这个节日的标志.这个节日最出名的是龙舟赛,尤其是在有很多河流和湖泊的南方省份.这一划船比赛是为了纪念屈原的死,据说他是一位正直的大臣,他是投江自刎的.龙舟赛象征着拯救和恢复屈氏体的许多尝试.一艘典型的龙舟长度达 50 到 100 英尺不等,束长约英尺,可容纳两个桨手并排坐.

 端午节英语小作文 篇三

 Dragon Boat Festival is my favourite

 the holiday of Dragon Boat Festival,I got together with my family to have a big

 ofen ate the

 tasted very

 we saw the Dragon Boat

 felt excited because the race was bustling with noise and

 Dragon Boat Festival,we also drank realgar

 people thought drank realgar wine can protect themselves from

 Boat Festival was interesting and I like it very much.





 关于端午节的英语小作文 端午节是我们中华名族一个传统的节日,外国朋友也会对我们这个节日感兴趣,不如我们写一篇英语作文向他们介绍一下。以下是小编整理的相关作文,欢迎阅读,希望能对大家有所帮助!

 DragonBoatFestival,oftenknownasTuenNgFestivalorDuanWuFestival,isatraditionalChinesefestivalheldonthefifthdayofthefifthm 定 onthoftheChineseBo 耋atfestivalmemorial 慵 izestheChinesepoet Qucommittedsuicide 鸭 bydrowninghimselfi 饪nariverbecausehewa 镆 sdisgustedbythecor 嘎ruptionoftheChusat 莶 ondragonboats,andt riedtoscarethefish 卓 esawaybythethunder 媛ingsoundof,toadywe 敌 sailthedragonboats 闭tocelebratethis,pe 励 opleeatzongzi(thef oodoriginallyinten 俞dedtofeedthefishes 弭 )inmemoryofQu"sdra 阚 maticdeath. 龙舟节,又名 ╆ 为端午节是中国的一个传统节日,他在农 拒历第五个月份的第五天.端午节是为了纪  念中国诗人屈原所设立的节日。他由于厌 是 恶古代朝廷的贪腐而投江自杀。人们坐在 仇 船头,击鼓以吓走鱼虾,所以我们现在用  赛龙舟来庆祝

 这个节日,人们也吃粽子来 堙 怀念屈原之死 TheDuanwuFe 筘 stival,iscelebrate 廊 donthefifthdayofth 堠efifthmonthaccordi 臬 ngtotheChinesealwa 彪yseatricedumplings 蕴 andwatchdragonboat 暹racestocelebrateit 沿 . 端午节是中国阴历的五月五日。人们 铟 总是吃粽子和赛龙舟来庆祝它。

 The ч festivalisbestknow 涠 nforitsdragon-boat races,especiallyin 艨 thesouthernplacesw 雨heretherearemanyri 硫 versandlakes.Itisv 氧 erypopular. 这个节日最出 摸 名的是龙舟赛,特别是在有着充足的河流 和湖泊的南方。真的是很受欢迎的。

 T  hericedumplingisma 酪 deofglutinousrice, ソmeatandsoon.Youcan  eatdifferentkindso 廪fricedumplings.The 潴 yareverydelicious. 这个粽子是用糯米和肉等做成的。你可以 旨 吃不同种类的粽子。他们是非常美味的。


 AndDragonBoatFest 卢 ivalisforQuYuan.He 蹭isanhonestminister 膀 whoissaidtohavecom 哙mittedsuicidebydro 次 wninghimselfinariv 光 er.

 端午节是为了纪念屈原。他是一  个诚实的大臣、在河里自杀把自己淹死了 铁 。

 Overall,theDrago 磅 nBoatFestivalisver 逢 yinteresting! 总的来说 姨 ,端午节是非常有趣的。

 TheDua 呵 nwuFestival,whichi П salsocalledtheDrag 棒onBoatFestival,isa 酶 nancientChinesetra 怔ditionalfestival,c 菹 elebratedonthefift 喘hdayofthefifthluna 砉 rmonth.Forthousand 啡sofyears,variousce 矽 lebratingactivitie 广sareheldallaroundt 簧 hecountry.Eatingzo 暾ngziandracingdrago  nboatsarethemostpe 应rtinentones,whicha 莳 resaidtobeinmemory 鳅ofQuYuan,agreatpoe 毛 t.Insomeplaces,peo 尉plespreadrealgarwi  neonthechildrenint hehopeofprotecting ǚ themfromtheevilspi 婚rits.Manypeoplecon 烨 siderMayasanespeci ┵allydangeroustimef  ordiseasesinayear, 晤andthereforetheyha 肩 ngmoxaandcalamusan 纤dthingslikethataro 俎 undthedoorstowardo 僬ffevilanddiseasesa  ndprayforgoodluck. 糗

 端午节,又称龙舟节,是中国古老的传 腋 统节日,在农历

 的五月初五这天庆祝。几 丝 千年来,全国各地都会举行多种多样的庆 媪 祝活动。最应景的就是吃粽子和赛龙舟, п 据说这是为了纪念伟大的古代诗人屈原。

 瘊 在有些地方,人们把雄黄酒涂抹在小孩的 握 身上,希望这样可以使孩子们不受邪灵的 R 伤害。许多人认为五月是一年中容易引发 袼 疾病的时节,因此为了驱疾避凶,讨个吉 酣 利,他们会在门口悬挂艾叶和菖蒲等。





 关于端午节的英语小作文 2016-06-12 浏览:分享人:孔妍玲手机版


 Dragon Boat Festival,often known as Tuen Ng Festival or Duan Wu Festival,is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese

 Boat festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu

 committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu

 sat on dragon boats,and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of ,toady we sail the dragon boats to celebrate this ,people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) in memory of Qu"s dramatic death.

 龙舟节,又名为端午节 是中国的一个传统节日,他在农历第五个月份的第五天.端午节是为了纪念中国诗人屈原所设立的节日。他由于厌恶古代朝廷的贪腐而投江自杀。人们


 The Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese

 always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.


 The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. It is very popular.


 The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice dumplings. They are very delicious.


 And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.



 Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!


 The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. For thousands of years, various celebrating activities are held all around the country. Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent ones, which are said to be in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. In some places, people spread realgar wine on the children in the hope of protecting them from the evil spirits. Many people consider May as an especially dangerous time for diseases in a year, and therefore they hang moxa and calamus and things like that around the doors to ward off evil and diseases and pray for good luck.







  DragonBoatFestival,oftenknownasTuenNgFestivalorDuanWuFestival,isatraditionalChinesefestivalheldonthefifthda 衰 yofthefift 雀 hmonthofth 劣 eChineseBo 纸 atfestival 码memorializ 痔 estheChine 冰 sepoetQuco 膀 mmittedsui 云cidebydrow 默 ninghimsel 拼 finariverb 游 ecausehewa 御sdisgusted 葡 bythecorru 厩 ptionofthe 皖 Chusatondr 谤agonboats, 窄 andtriedto 冗 scarethefi 衣 shesawayby 轻thethunder 洛 ingsoundof 潭 ,toadywesa 逻 ilthedrago 尤nboatstoce 贪 lebratethi 心 s,peopleea 怯 tzongzi(th 明efoodorigi 秧 nallyinten 汛 dedtofeedt 扬 hefishes)i 阴nmemoryofQ 湘 u"sdramati 粥 cdeath.

  龙 吵 舟节,又名为端午节是 荔 中国的一个传统节日, 指 他在农历第五个月份的 碾 第五天.端午节是为了 团 纪念中国诗人屈原所设 夜 立的节日。他由于厌恶 羞 古代朝廷的贪腐而投江 搪 自杀。人们坐在船头, 眨 击鼓以吓走鱼虾,所以 流 我们现在用赛龙舟来庆 蛹祝这个节日,人们也吃 粒 粽子来怀念屈原之死


 TheDuanwu 窗 Festival,i 水 scelebrate 理 donthefift 芯hdayofthef 秃 ifthmontha 珐 ccordingto 瓢 theChinese 终alwayseatr 铀 icedumplin 寄 gsandwatch 膀 dragonboat 茂racestocel 蠢 ebrateit.


 端午节是中国阴历的 经 五月五日。人们总是吃 鹰 粽子和赛龙舟来庆祝它 奴 。

  Thefest 宪 ivalisbest 搓 knownforit 患 sdragon-bo 羊atraces,es 撕 peciallyin 竞 thesouther 亲 nplaceswhe 孝rethereare 敏 manyrivers 敛 andlakes.I 靠 tisverypop 犊 ular.

  这个节 斗 日最出名的是龙舟赛, 唯 特别是在有着充足的河 席流和湖泊的南方。真的 置 是很受欢迎的。

  T 鸳 hericedump 显 lingismade 拔 ofglutinou 倡 srice,meat 贯andsoon.Yo 鸵 ucaneatdif 澜 ferentkind 螟 sofricedum 今plings.The 腋 yareveryde 月 licious.

  渝 这个粽子是用糯米和肉 瘦 等做成的。你可以吃不 烛 同种类的粽子。他们是 磊 非常美味的。

  An 虐 dDragonBoa 挟 tFestivali 厌 sforQuYuan 姬 .Heisanhon 翘estministe 埔 rwhoissaid 借 tohavecomm 悄 ittedsuici 骋debydrowni 壤 nghimselfi 狠 nariver.

  溢 端午节是为了纪念屈原 痊 。他是一个诚实的大臣 剂 、在河里自杀把自己淹 沾 死了。

  Overa 危 ll,theDrag 化 onBoatFest 烬 ivalisvery 匝 interestin 竹

 g! 总的来说,端午节 视 是非常有趣的。

  T 佰 heDuanwuFe 囱 stival,whi 激 chisalsoca 徐 lledtheDra 呛gonBoatFes 铡 tival,isan 甚 ancientChi 姨 nesetradit 生ionalfesti 凰 val,celebr 毋 atedonthef 服 ifthdayoft 筑hefifthlun 褐 armonth.Fo 偷 rthousands 午 ofyears,va 腑riousceleb 佣 ratingacti 诀 vitiesareh 直 eldallarou 蛛ndthecount 又 ry.Eatingz 革 ongziandra 爵 cingdragon 烩boatsareth 眠 emostperti 胰 nentones,w 猛 hicharesai 脏dtobeinmem 顺 oryofQuYua 受 n,agreatpo 从 et.Insomep 腔laces,peop 要 lespreadre 功 algarwineo 榆 nthechildr 搭eninthehop 兰 eofprotect 悼 ingthemfro 恭 mtheevilsp 郑irits.Many 鄂 peoplecons 据 iderMayasa 姑 nespeciall 豹ydangerous 盟 timefordis 河 easesinaye 有 ar,andther 湛eforetheyh 由 angmoxaand 接 calamusand 掀 thingslike 样thataround 石 thedoorsto 共 wardoffevi 鱼 landdiseas 常esandprayf 应 orgoodluck 郧 .

  端午节,又称龙 袖 舟节,是中国古老的传 区 统节日,在农历的五月 两 初五这天庆祝。几千年 昼 来,全国各地都会举行 浅 多种多样的庆祝活动。

 撕 最应景的就是吃粽子和 退 赛龙舟,据说这是为了 圃 纪念伟大的古代诗人屈 掠 原。在有些地方,人们 帧 把雄黄酒涂抹在小孩的 轧 身上,希望这样可以使 盖 孩子们不受邪

 灵的伤害 润 。许多人认为五月是一 韵 年中容易引发疾病的时 周 节,因此为了驱疾避凶 痊 ,讨个吉利,他们会在 营 门口悬挂艾叶和菖蒲等 乌 。






  TheDragonBoatFestival,alsocalledtheDuanwuFestival,iscelebratedonthefifthdayofthefifthmonthaccordingt 博otheChines 惩 ealwayseat 亥 ricedumpli 墟 ngsandwatc 沏hdragonboa 类 tracestoce 冷 lebrateit. 遇

 Thefesti 恶 valisbestk 喧 nownforits 藏 dragon-boa 已traces,esp 营 eciallyint 砒 hesouthern 盅 placeswher 缨etherearem 砸 anyriversa 觉 ndlakes.It 纤 í?sverypop 夜 ular.

  The 嘱 ricedumpli 桑 ngismadeof 捏 glutinousr 至 ice,meatan 硒dsoon.Youc 骋 aneatdiffe 阉 rentkindso 羊 friceareve 新rydeliciou 巫 s.

  AndDra 邮 gonBoatFes 妈 tivalisfor 厌 QuYuan.Hei 吝sanhonestm 阎 inisterwho 溃 issaidtoha 豫 vecommitte 愧dsuicideby 掷 drowninghi 憋 mselfinari 州 ver.

  Over 歇 all,theDra 名 gonBoatFes 需 tivalisver 逼 yinteresti 果ng!

 端午节,又 诞 称端午节,是庆祝第五 孽 个月的第五天,根据中 并 国的历法。人们总是吃 艺 粽子和赛龙舟来庆祝它 霹 。

  端午节最出名的 职 是龙舟比赛,特别是在 源 南部的地方,那里有许 曰 多河流和湖泊。它í? 年 很受欢迎。

  这个粽 料 子是用糯米、肉等制成 斜 的。你可以吃不同种类 祥的粽子,它们非常美味 诽 。

  端午节是为了曲 隙 元。他是一位诚实的大 循 臣,据说他在一条河里 辰 淹死了自己的自杀。

 总 延 体而言,端午节很有趣 色 ! 端午节英语小作文篇 棵 二

  TheDrag 抗 onBoatFest 弦 ival,alsoc 争 alledtheDu 爹anwuFestiv 瞄 al,isceleb 恃 ratedonthe 静 fifthdayof 扑thefifthmo 森 nthaccordi 觉 ngtotheChi 辈 nesecalend 辞ar.Forthou 元 sandsofyea 剥 rs,thefest 艰 ivalhasbee 拄nmarkedbye 耻 atingzongz 燥 i(glutinou 造 sricewrapp 蘸edtoformap 可 yramidusin 鞠 gbambooorr 痰 eedleaves) 敏andracingd 踊 ragonfesti 龙 valisbestk 晓 nownforits 濒 dragon-boa 茵 traces,esp 掇 eciallyint 揖 hesouthern 威 provincesw 痘heretherea 采 remanyrive 瞩 rsandlakes 檄 .Thisregat 沦tacommemor 胞 atesthedea 哲 thofQuYuan 穿 ,anhonestm 永inisterwho 怔 issaidtoha 赢 vecommitte 薄 dsuicideby 遮drowninghi 挨 mselfinari 嘘 ver.Thedra 值 gon-boatra 章

 cessymboli 超 zethemanya 紊 ttemptstor 饶 escueandre 忽coverQu"sb 朔 ody.Atypic 壁 aldragonbo 豪 atrangesfr 狐 om50-100fe 儿 etinlength 庇 ,withabeam 敖 ofaboutfee 书 t,accommod 膜atingtwopa 蛹 ddlersseat 永 edsidebysi 棚 de.

  龙舟节,也 轰 叫端午节,是在中国的 塌 农历五月初五这一天庆 钩 祝.千百年来,吃粽子 讨 (用竹叶或芦苇叶把糯 冬 米包裹起来,形成一个 蓉 金字塔)和赛龙舟已经 仗 成为这个节日的标志. 泽 这个节日最出名的是龙 空 舟赛,尤其是在有很多 拉 河流和湖泊的南方省份 萤 .这一划船比赛是为了 紊 纪念屈原的死,据说他 乍 是一位正直的大臣,他 伸 是投江自刎的.龙舟赛 甫 象征着拯救和恢复屈氏 蔗体的许多尝试.一艘典 猿 型的龙舟长度达 50 到 争 100 英尺不等,束长 动 约英尺,可容纳两个桨 峪 手并排坐. 端午节英语 为 小作文篇三

  Dra 怨 gonBoatFes 薪 tivalismyf 诈 avouriteth 够 eholidayof 颖DragonBoat 驾 Festival,I 佳 gottogethe 秆 rwithmyfam 求ilytohavea 垫 bigofenate 季 thetastedv 制 erywesawth 膘eDragonBoa 堂 tfeltexcit 谓 edbecauset 凰 heracewasb 筒ustlingwit 绚 hnoiseandD 歉 ragonBoatF 争 estival,we 葫alsodrankr 众 ealgarpeop 腆 lethoughtd 横 rankrealga 墩rwinecanpr 悦 otectthems 愿 elvesfromB 戒 oatFestiva 蔼lwasintere 褥 stingandIl 刺 ikeitverym 掩 uch.

  端午节是 旷 我最喜欢的节日。端午 迁 节放假期间,我和我

 的 阀 家人聚在一起大吃一顿 鲤 。我们常常吃粽子,味 套 道很好。我们看见龙舟 肿 比赛。我感到很激动, 邀 因为这场比赛是热闹。

 葬 端午节,我们也喝雄黄 曳 酒。有些人认为喝雄黄 诌 酒可以保护自己免于生 主 病。端午节很有趣,我 普 非常喜欢它。




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