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考研英语翻译冲刺必背的真题词汇1  说明:这是08年整理的,后来增加了09到14年部分,今天又增加了15和16年。所以可能大家会发现09年到16年单词很少,原因是大部分单词都在早期08年到94年的单下面是小编为大家整理的2023年考研英语翻译冲刺必背真题词汇,菁选2篇,供大家参考。





  46) mentally心理的,精神的;mend修补

  47) restore 恢复


  46) wilderness荒野;

  48) interplay相互作用; raw原始的,粗糙的

  49)be bound for开往,驶往;territory区域,地区

  50) treasure珍宝;


  46) articulate 清晰的表达,

  47) by all accounts根据、根据报道;by one’s own account根据某人自己所说,let alone更别提,

  48) intensity紧张,abruptly突然地,sudden突然,soft柔和的,passage段落,rarely很少、几乎不,composer作曲家,compose作曲、编写,

  49) associate联系,

  50) suffer遭受, inevitable不可避免, render转换、使变成;


  46) strike打、震撼,for all尽管,style风格,urge需求、督促、鼓励,decoration装饰,

  47) sacred神圣的,crude原始、粗糙,as opposed to与相反,shelter避难所,

  48) in effect实际上,urban城市,discernible容易看出的,discern看出、识别,

  49) blame批评,

  50) implicit隐含的,explicit明确的,reference谈到、提及、参考,synthetic人造的;


  46) impulse冲动,unification统一、一致,generative生产的、生成的,generate产生,

  47) constrain力劝、强迫、限制,constraint限制,

  48) filter过滤, cognitive认知的,

  49) empirical实证的、根据经验得到的, bias偏见,

  50) track跟踪;


  46) erroneous错误的,error错误,

  47) sustain支持、维持,illusion幻觉,conscious有意识的,

  48) justification合理,借口,justify证明是公正的,rationalization合理,exploitation剥削、开发, bottom底,

  49) circumstance环境,

  50) upside积极的、正面的,contain包含,be up to取决于,array展示、陈列、一系列;


  46) rescue拯救,to the effect that大意是说,failed to不能,

  47) intrinsic内在的、固有的,regardless of不管,presence出席,absence缺席,

  48) creature生物,species物种,

  49) ecologically生态的,as such本身、相应的,

  50) eliminate根除, element因素,commercial商业的;


  46) institution机构、学院,original原始的,motive动机

  47) by-product副产品,directive指导的,factor因素

  48) ignore忽视,ignorance无知,contact联系,disposition性情、安排,

  49) cannot help禁不住,secure确保,

  50) tuition学费、讲授;


  46) believe相信,assert断言, claim声称, argue争论, assume假设, maintain主张, contend斗争、坚持说, point out指出, be convinced that确信, accept接受、承认, prove证明, demonstrate展示、*、证明、表明, validate证明, state状态、州、说明、陈述, scribe描述, tell说明, show说明、展示, consider考虑, opine表达观点, difficulty困难, difficult困难的, compensate补偿, compensate for补偿, advantage优点, advantageous有优势的, advance进步、发展, force力量、强迫, strength力量, power力量、权力, thus因此, therefore因此, hence因此, enable使能够, detect探察、发现, detector探测器, detective侦探,error错误, mistake失误, false错误, flaw缺点、瑕疵, shortcoming缺点, reason推理、原因, reasoned理性的, reasoning推理, reasonable合理的, observe观察, observation观察, observer观察者;

  47) follow跟随, pure纯, purely纯粹地、完全地, abstract抽象的, attract吸引, concrete具体的, limit限制、有限的, confine限制, certain确认;

  48) as well也, as well as和一样, found建立, well-founded有根据的,charge指控、指责、充电、费用, be charged with承担、给与,change改变, critics批评家, criticize批评, critical关键的、重要的, criticism批评, while当、在…的同时、然而;

  49) add加, addition增加, in addition此外, additional另加的, tradition传统, traditional传统的, humble谦虚的, humbly谦虚地, perhaps也许, possible可能, possibly可能, probable可能, probably可能地, superior比高级、有优势, superior to比高级, super超级, inferior不如, inferior to不如, common普通, ordinary普通, b*普通的、陈腐的, notice注意、说明, attention注意, escape逃跑, carefully当心, careful小心的, care关心, take care of照顾;

  50) loss失去, lose丢失(lost), at a loss迷茫、不知所措, take a loss亏损, injurious对有伤害, injure受伤, injury受伤, intellect智力, intellectual智力、知识分子, intelligence智力, wisdom智慧, moral道德, virtue美德, virtually实际上、事实上, virtual虚拟的, character文字、角色、性格, characterize有特点, characteristic特色;


  46) legal法律的、合法的, law法律, preserve保存, conserve保留、保护, institution机构、学院, constitution宪法, view观点、景色, view…as把…看作为, regard…as把…看作为, take…as把…看作为, see…as把…看作为, special特别, specialize专业, specific具体的, especial尤其的, especially尤其是; peculiar奇怪的、特有的、独特的, peculiar to特有的, particular特殊的, particularly特别是, rather than而不是, necessary必须的, essential必不可少的, essence精华, critical关键的、重要的, significant重要的, significance重要性, equipment装备, equip装有, pack包、装,pack with装,facility设施;

  47) link连接、联系, connect联系, connection联系, on the other另一方面, on the other hand另一方面, on the one hand一方面, concept概念, notion观念、概念、认识, real真实, reality现实, realize实现、认识到,in a way以这种方式, in a manner以这种方法, in a form以这种形式, parallel*行, parallel to与相*行、与类似, journal杂志, journalist记者, base基础, basic基础的, basis基础, comment评论, comment on评论, cover报道、覆盖;

  48) idea观点、理论、想法, profound深刻的, profoundly深刻地, far-reaching影响深远的、意义重大的、深刻的, citizen市民, rest on/upon依靠取决于, rely on依靠取决于, depend on/upon依靠取决于, responsible负责的, responsibility责任, be held responsible for对负责, response反响、响应, media媒介, news media新闻媒体, news agency新闻机构, establish建立, established已经建立的, establishment机构、建立, convention传统、规范;

  49) grasp抓掌握, have a grasp of掌握, command命令, have a good command of掌握, feature特点, competent能胜任的,合格的, competition竞争, competitive有竞争力的, compete竞争;

  50) reaction反映, react反映, action行动, in action起作用, interaction互相作用, enhance提高, promotion提高, promote促进, preferable愿意的、可取的, prefer宁愿, infer推理、提示, confer商量、授予、给予, favor喜欢, flavor风味, favorite喜欢的, judge评判法官, judgment评判, make judgment做出评判;


  46) define定义, definition下定义, define…as…把定义为, select选择, elect挑选, individual个人的、个人, active积极的, activity活动, primary主要的, duty责任, thinking思考、思维, thought思想、思维;

  47) *ogous类似, *ogous to与类似, *yze分析, *ysis分析, function作用、充当作用、功能, obligation责任, be obliged to do sth被迫做某事、有责任做某事, be obliged to sb感谢某人, obligate被迫, be obligated to do sth 被迫做某事,clear清楚、明白, course课程、过程, cause原因、导致, lead to导致, reveal揭露, decision决心, decisive果断的、具有决定意义的, decide决定;

  48) exclude排除, exclusive排它的、独家的, include包含, conclude得出结论, conclusion结论, contribute贡献, contribution贡献, contribute to对做贡献、有助于, make contribution to做出贡献, distribute分发、分散, distribution分散, accomplishment完成, accomplish完成, complete完全, solution解决, solve解决, resolve决心、解决, approach接近、方法, aspect方面, inspect视察、检查, expect期待, respect尊重方面, task任务;

  49) code密码, rule规则, dedicate奉献, dedicate to把…献给, govern管理, government*, energy能力、能量, conduct行为、指导, conduction传导, production产品, produce生产, explore探索, exploration探索; more than比…多, less than比…少, no more than不多于, no less than不少于, more than +数字多, more than +名词/动词不仅仅不只是, more than +形容词/副词非常, no more than=not any more than不…也不;

  50) independent独立, independence独立, interdependence互相依靠, reflect影响, reflection影响、反映、思考, make reflection on思考,earn挣, involve包含、包括, salary薪水;


  46) television电视, means工具, feeling感觉, convey传递、表达, nation民族、国家, create创造, invent发明, event事件、事务, recent最近;

  47) multi-media大众媒体、传媒, increase增加, increasingly越来越, bring带来, publish出版, in relation to与有关, relation关系, relate亲戚, related to与有关, concern关心、关注, concerning相关的;

  48) alone独自, only仅仅、唯一, survive生存, underline强调、突出、下划线, undergo经历, undertake从事、承担, undermine暗中破坏, state状态、州、陈述, statistics调查、统计数据, loss失去, take a loss亏损, at a loss迷茫、不知所措,

  49) identify辨别, identity身份, respect尊重方面, expect期待, aspect方面, represent代表, present出席、现在、礼物, presentation展示, fabricate编造、捏造、编织, fabric网络、纤维, continent大陆, task任务, demand命令, choose选择, choice选择, strategic战略, policy政策;

  50) deal with处理, deal处理, challenge挑战, scale规模, on…scale在一定规模上, exaggeration夸张、夸大, it is no exaggeration to say不夸张的说…, unite联合, unity集体、单位, divide分;


  61) structure建造, instruction知识、教导、命令、指示、说明, instrument工具、器具, construction建筑, process步骤、过程, procedure步骤, schedule日程表, real真的, reality真实的, realize意识到, diversity多样性, diverse各样, philosophy哲学, philosopher哲学家;

  62) grateful感谢, gratitude感谢, different from与…不同, vanish消失, abolish取消、撤销、废除, assimilate同化, similar相似, native本民族的, local当地的、局部的;

  63) describe描述, description描述, strike*、打击、留下印象, striking引人注目的, remark评论、标记, remarkable著名的, accuse起诉, accuse…of…指责, data数据, date日期;

  64) interested in对感兴趣, relationship关系, relative亲戚、相对的、有关的, relatively相对地, determine决心, habit习惯, habitual习惯的, though虽然;

  65) come to逐渐得出, believe in相信, a sort of其中一种, linguistics语言学, physics物理, psychology心理学, aesthetics美学, art艺术, fine art美术, archaeology考古学, anthropology人类学, economy经济, psychiatry精神病学, law法律, media媒体, cross-culture跨文化, mathematics数学, math数学, physician医生, chemistry化学, humanity人文科学, form形式, formula工程式, formulate阐明, grammar语法, pattern模式, produce生产, consequence结果, consequently所以;


  61) furthermore更进一步, further进一步, ability能力, able可能, enable使能够, inability无能, modify纠正, exchange交换, environment环境, deteriorate恶化, subject科目、主题、主语、对象, reject排斥, refuse拒绝, fancy幻想、喜欢;

  62) branch分支, inquire询问、研究, acquire获得, require要求, endeavor努力, order命令、顺序, disorder紊乱、疾病, system系统, passion热情, seek寻找, scientific科学的, science科学, phenomenon现象;

  63) combine联合、结合, combined with结合、加上,coupled with结合、加上integrate结合, integration整体、一体化, perspective前景、观点, unique独特的、唯一的, distinct区别, distinctly明显的;

  64) complex复杂, complicated复杂, sophisticated复杂的、狡猾的, include包含, conclude得出结论, exclude排除, conclusion结论, custom风俗习惯, consume消费, consumer消费者. simple简单, simplicity简单的, implicit暗含的, explicit明显的;

  65) make…possible成为可能, research研究;


  61) almost几乎,behavior行为,trait特点,trace跟踪

  62) explain解释,explanation解释,hard困难, remain保持, obscure模糊,vague模糊的,不清楚的;

  63) evolution进化, revolution革命, innovation革新创新, invention发明创造, invest投资, investigation研究、调查, recognize认出,cognition认知;

  64) possess拥有、具有, possession财产, govern管理, government*、管理, theory学说、理论, essential重要, credit信用, achieve达到, achievement成功;

  65) until直到…才、如果不…, till直到…才、如果不…, issue问题、事件、发行,


  71) chat聊天, host主人、主持, hold举行, pollution污染, contaminate污染;

  72) personality个性, personnel人事、人员, personal个人的, relax放松, relaxation放松, recreation娱乐, digital数字;

  73) breakthrough突破, break out爆发, breakout爆发, out-break爆发, outset开始, take place发生, discover发现;

  74) ultimate最终, terminate终止, termination终点、终端, century世纪, millennium千年, decade十年, thousands of成千上万、几千, hundreds of几百, for the better part of decade七八年, half一半, quarter四分之一, triple三倍, double两倍;

  75) home家、国内的, domestic国内的, exotic异域的, ap*申请, ap* to申请, application申请, appliance器具, control控制, operate操作, operation操作, cooperation合作, corporation公司company公司伙伴


  71) condition条件, situation情况、状况, circumstance环境状况, situate位于, vary变化, varying变化的、不同的, various各种各样的, variety各种各样, variety of各式各样, expert专家;

  72) obvious明显, ambiguous模糊的, be bound up with相关, bind绑, efficient有效, efficiency效果、效率, industry工业, agriculture农业, horticulture园艺, in turn反过来、轮流, effort努力, all kinds各种各样;

  73) owing to由于、因为, remarkable显著的, mass大众、大量、大块, communication交流, community社区, expose暴露, be exposed to接触、面对, introduce介绍、引入, for the reason given above由于上述原因;

  74) pattern模式, spread扩大, or so大约;

  75) stress压力、强调, migrate移民, migration移民, immigrate移入,emigrate移居国外arise from由引起, arise出现、上升, rise上升, give rise to导致, raise增加、喂养,


  71) almost几乎, historian历史学家, history历史, practice练习、实践, conform一致, conform to符合、与相一致, inform通知, uniform一致的、制服, attempt企图;

  72) valid有效的, validate使有效证明证实, validity有效性, discipline学科, internal内部的, external外部的, quarrel争论, among在…中;

  73) transfer转变, transparent透明、明显, augment增加, argument辩论, design设计, designed to旨在、设计来,interpret解释、口译, interpretation解释, evidence证据, evident明显的;

  74) agreement同意, refer to提及、指, in general总之, generally总体上, generally speaking总的来说, largely总体、主要地, appropriate适合, inappropriate不适合;

  75) equal*等, equally*等的, equate与相等、与一致, equate…with与相等、与一致, source来源, resource资源, activity活动, animate有生气, animation兴奋、活跃;


  71) look into搜索寻找, exist存在, exit出口, existence存在, resident居民、定居的、常住的, residence居住地, citizen市民;

  72) giant巨大, enormous巨大的, put forward提出, propose提出, dominant主要的、主导的;

  73) report报道, finding发现;

  74) triumph胜利;

  75) odd奇数、奇怪, sound听起来、健康的, inflation通货膨胀, inflate膨胀, plausible看起来合理的, elementary基本的, primary主要的;


  71) actually事实上, in fact事实上, account解释, accountant会计;

  72) contract合同, entitle有权、授予, title标题, entitlement权利;

  73) discuss讨论, discussion讨论, consider考虑, consideration考虑, either…or要么…要么, neither…nor两者都不, whether…or是…还是, extend扩展、延伸, treat对待、请客;

  74) relevant有关的、切题的, extreme极端的;

  75) encourage鼓励, instinct本能、天生的;


  71) result结果, result from由于, result in导致, to some extent在某种程度上, accelerate加速;

  72) trend趋势, detail细节, in detail详细;

  73) support支持, an amount of大量的, goal目标, immediate立即;

  74) elegant优雅的, elegance优雅, in principle大体上、原则上, principal重要的、主要的, fascinate迷人, delight高兴;

  75) standard标准, criterion标准;


  71) target目标, attack进攻抨击, in doing sth.在做某事的过程中, divert转移, diversion转移,;

  72) predict预言, prediction预言, reliable可靠的, skill技能;

  73) experiment试验、实验, experience经验, avail有用, available有空的、可获得的, comparative比较, compare比较, contrast对比、相反;

  74) quality质量、特征, precise精确;

  75) favorable有利的, favor喜欢; youngster年轻人;


  71) not so much…as与其说…不如说, as…as与一样, not so…as与不一样, through因为、通过, insight洞察, welfare福利, health健康, worth值得, genius天才, improve提高, tool工具;

  72) as we call it所谓的、正如我们所说, number数字, numerable可数的、一定数量的, innumerable巨大的、无数的, expand扩大, a series of一系列, direction说明、指导, direct说明;

  73) ignore忽视, careless粗心, fundamental基本的;

  74) revolve旋转;

  75) finance财政、金融, financial财政的, vice versa反之, etc等等, et al及其它.











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